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Hilo Intl Airport, Hilo (PHTO)

Airport Weather & NOTAM's

METAR for:PHTO (Hilo Intl, HI, US)
Text:PHTO 270953Z AUTO 20004KT 10SM -RA SCT025 BKN030 OVC042 23/21 A3011 RMK AO2 RAB53 SLP194 P0000 T02330206 402830183 TSNO
Conditions at:0953 UTC 27 Dec 2024
Temperature: 23.3°C ( 74°F)
Dewpoint: 20.6°C ( 69°F) [RH = 85%]
Pressure (altimeter):30.11 inches Hg (1019.7 mb) [Sea level pressure: 1019.4 mb]
Winds:from the SSW (200 degrees) at 5 MPH (4 knots; 2.1 m/s)
Visibility:10 or more sm (16+ km)
Ceiling:3000 feet AGL
Clouds:scattered clouds at 2500 feet AGL, broken clouds at 3000 feet AGL, overcast cloud deck at 4200 feet AGL
Weather:-RA (light rain)
QC Flag:automated observation with no human augmentation
TAF for:PHTO (Hilo Intl, HI, US) issued at 0525 UTC 27 Dec 2024
Text:PHTO 270525Z 2706/2806 VRB06KT P6SM BKN040
Forecast period:0600 to 0800 UTC 27 December 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:variable direction winds at 7 MPH (6 knots; 3.1 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:4000 feet AGL
Clouds:broken clouds at 4000 feet AGL
Text:FM270800 VRB06KT P6SM SKC
Forecast period:0800 to 1700 UTC 27 December 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:variable direction winds at 7 MPH (6 knots; 3.1 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:clear skies
Text:FM271700 12011KT P6SM SCT025 SCT040
Forecast period:1700 UTC 27 December 2024 to 0600 UTC 28 December 2024
Forecast type:FROM: standard forecast or significant change
Winds:from the ESE (120 degrees) at 13 MPH (11 knots; 5.7 m/s)
Visibility:6 or more sm (10+ km)
Ceiling:at least 12,000 feet AGL
Clouds:scattered clouds at 2500 feet AGL, scattered clouds at 4000 feet AGL

Live Departures & Arrivals

There are currently no arrivals or departures for this airport.

Departures History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Dest. Aircraft Date
PNW808J PHKO Cessna 172... 2024-06-07 02:07:43
PNW808J PHKO TBM 930 As... 2024-06-04 23:11:52
PNW808J PHKO Life Fligh... 2024-06-04 11:23:41
PNW777 PHKO Beta Chall... 2024-04-08 05:51:18

Arrivals History (last 12 months)

Flight No. Origin Aircraft Date
PNW808I PHHN Cessna 172... 2024-06-07 02:04:56
PNW808I PHHN Life Fligh... 2024-06-04 11:20:48
PNW808I PHHN TBM 930 As... 2024-06-03 23:12:55
PNW777 PHNY Beta Chall... 2024-04-08 05:45:00

Runway Information (Airport elevation: 31ft)

Runway 03 Length 5,599ft Width 159ft Elevation 31ft Surface Asphalt Heading 41
Runway 08 Length 9,789ft Width 147ft Elevation 31ft Surface Bituminous Heading 90
Runway 21 Length 5,599ft Width 159ft Elevation 31ft Surface Asphalt Heading 221
Runway 26 Length 9,789ft Width 147ft Elevation 31ft Surface Bituminous Heading 270

Airport Frequencies

Type APP/DEP Frequency 119.700 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 120.250 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 126.600 Mhz
Type ATIS Frequency 126.400 Mhz
Type D Frequency 119.700 Mhz
Type D Frequency 120.250 Mhz
Type D Frequency 126.600 Mhz
Type FSS Frequency 122.100 Mhz
Type FSS Frequency 122.600 Mhz
Type Ground Frequency 121.900 Mhz
Type Tower Frequency 118.100 Mhz
Type APP/DEP Frequency 119.700 Mhz
Type CTR Frequency 126.600 Mhz
Type D Frequency 119.700 Mhz

Airport Navaids

Type VORTAC Ident ITO Frequency 116900 Khz
Type NDB Ident POA Frequency 332 Khz